We are proud to inform you that V.L. Makabali Memorial Hospital has renewed its partnership with Maxicare for providing Health and Maintenance Organization services.
New high-quality stainless steel stretcher at VLMMHI
The high-quality stainless steel stretcher with both sides of the bed frame and equipped with wheels for movement. The stretcher was made by the V.L. Makabali Engineering Department.
New Defibrillator Monitor at VLMMHI!
We have a brand new defibrillator monitor at V.L Makabali Memorial Hospital Inc.! A Defibrillator Monitor enables the medical professionals to...
COVID-19 Survivor Video Testimonial
A video testimonial from a VLMMHI Patient and Covid-19 Survivor.
The biggest and most important upgrades at VLMMHI
Welcome to the New Website. We’re pleased to announce that the hospital has undergone extensive revitalization of its infrastructure and Medical Processes similar to the best hospitals in the United States of America.
New Hemodialysis Unit at VLMMHI
V.L. Makabali Memorial Hospital, Inc. is now equipped with brand new Dialysis Machines ready to facilitate patients in need.

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